% of Companies that have:
Risen In Value Next Trading Day: 44.4%
Traded Higher Than Pick Price After 7 Days: 94.4%
Traded Higher Than Pick Price After 30 Days: 94.4%
The technical stock of the day trade ideas are BullishInvestor.com’s flagship feature. The daily trade ideas continue to be the feature of choice for many technical investors each day for their uncanny ability to predict technical trend and momentum changes. 30 day averages range anywhere from 3% in severely declining markets to 15%+ in advancing markets. Criteria evaluated in every trade idea include specific bullish technical indicators, technical patterns, support and resistance levels, candle stick analysis and others. Every new stock of the day trade idea is usually chosen between 6pm ET and 7pm ET every business day (excluding holidays).
BullishInvestor.com recommends this feature be used by intermediate to advanced investors. The reasoning is quite simple; this feature is meant to be a trading idea based solely on technical analysis criteria, with no fundamental analysis evaluation. As such, further due diligence by every investor is highly recommended and these trade ideas should not be construed as investment advice, rather investment ideas worth a closer examination.